In The Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword wird das Schwert, wie der Titel bereits erahnen lässt, eine tragende Rolle spielen: Link sitzt in einer Stadt in den Wolken und realisiert plötzlich, dass unter den Wolken ein Land von dunklen Mächten regiert wird. Nun werden sich der Himmel und die Wolken als Schauplätze abwechseln, wenn Link mit seinem wandelbaren Schwert versucht, wieder Ordnung in der Welt herzustellen und dabei immer wieder zwischen dem Himmel und dem Land unterhalt der Wolken pendelt.
He said the scene this morning showing Link diving off a cliff into a bank of clouds was meant to be "impactful" because it was an important event in the story.
[6:44] In this Zelda, Link is a little boy born into a land above the clouds called Skyloft.
[6:44] One day, he learns there is a land below the clouds ruled by evil forces.
[6:46] However, the revelation prompts a series of events that force him to go to the land beneath the clouds.
[6:46] The reason he goes down is in the title--it's the Skyward Sword.
[6:46] The sword possesses intelligence and will assume the semi-human form in the teaser poster shown last year.
[6:46] It's the "master sword."
[6:46] The Skyward Sword will become the Master Sword, apparently.
[6:46] The sky is also very important to the game, apparently.
[6:47] He said when you play the game, the cloud banks are "very impactful," and they wanted to make the art style highlight them.
[6:50] Aonuma said the new, exaggerated art style helps in this process. "If we had kept the Twilight Princess art style, we'd be done already!"
[6:52] He said they also want to change the typical structure of Zelda games with Skyward Sword.