Beiträge von perfectdams

    Hi all,
    I'm a french man and I have a little website with severals walkthrough for old Nintendo Games (a lot of Zelda Games). Making a walkthroughfor my website take me a long time because i try to put a lot of picture to make easier the understanding of the path to finish the game. For example, a link for the Water temple from Zelda OOT :…6_TempleEau.php . My Zelda Ocarina Of Time walkthrough is very appreciated by French speakers and i really want that other people can see my work to help them in the game but I don't speak German so i can't translate myself.
    I'm looking for a translater who speak German and who want to translate my page (with the help of google for exemple :…BFDkC701AIcnPLg , i could put that but i know it's not good German). I will put the name of the translator and a link through his website. My website is well referenced (in French) and will be well referenced in German too, so translate all the page of a part of my website (Zelda 1, zelda 2, Zelda oot, ...) could send a lot of visitors on your website. I will put a link down of all my pages (where it is write "perfectdams", i'll write something like "perfectdams, tranlated by xxx from yourWebsite", with a link on this website.

    Here's the home page of my work on Zeldas : (the last i made) (the first i made)
    My more recents walkthrough are betters i think.
    Thanks to have read my long email, i'm sure it will be very good for your website and for nintendo Forever if somebody want to make that.

    Somebody from Zelda Europe tell me i could put this on this forum (i don't know his name cause i lose this email in spam...)