Is the Ipad good for University Students?

  • Is the Ipad good for University Students?
    I will be attending University this fall and all my classes will be lectures therefore I'm concerned about missing important information with just a plain notebook and pen. I like how you can voice record and take notes at the same time with the ipad, it makes me feel a lot better about not missing a word the prof says.

    However I'm wondering if it's worth it...what else can the ipad do that would help me with my studies??

    I already have a macbook pro which will be used for writing essays etc.. I just need something small and easy that can be taken with me to class each day..

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  • As of yet I couldn't find a really smashing advantage of the iPad that can make me buy it. The lecturers of my university always use PowerPoint presentations for their courses. Certainly students like me can get these pieces of information by downloading the PDF files from the particular websites of our lecturers.

    With the help of internet services I always transform these files into JPEG pictures. Then they simply can be edited with free programs like Microsoft Paint or GIMP. That's very useful if you intend to add comments, descriptions or charts. It even works with password-protected PDF files.

    I really don't think that it is important to record whole readings. If you want to do that anyways you perhaps should use a specialized gadget. I recommend the Sony ICD-B600 dictaphone for things like that.

    In the end there is no need to buy such expensive stuff like an iPad to get all the information your lecturers say or show. In my case all I use is a HP Mini netbook at a price of more or less 240 Euros.

  • In case this is not just a stupid advertisement flick - take an iPod or something alike with you. Most of them have a record function, and although the microphones probably won't be the best, the results should be more than sufficiant. Also, even an iPod is way cheaper than an iPad, and you'll have music along with you every day. Way better than an iPad, which is not really handy. In my opinion, of course.

    Best regards

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    Wenn man die 10 Gebote beherzigen würde, dann wäre es auch so.
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    - Philip Weisel

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