Endlich sind sie offiziell angekündigt... :)
Nachdem die schon im Code gefunden wurden und man sie schon per NFC Chip sich selbst herstellen konnte *hust* ;)
So konnte man die neuen Drops auch jetzt schon jetzt holen :) sehr nett...
Anbei man die kompletten Droplisten:
Link (Majora’s Mask)
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This Zelda Breath of the Wild Amiibo will Unlock a Treasure Chest filled with a Rare Items and Random selection of Mushrooms and Fierce Deity items.
Fierce Deity Mask (Exclusive)
Fierce Deity Armor (Exclusive)
Fierce Deity Boots (Exclusive)
Fierce Deity Sword (Exclusive)
Knight’s Claymore, Soldier’s Claymore, Traveler’s Claymore, Fire Arrow x5, Ice Arrow x5, Shock Arrow x5, Bomb Arrow x5
Hylian Shroom, Stamella Shroom, Chillshroom, Sunshroom, Zapshroom, Rushroom, Razorshroom, Ironshroom, Silent Shroom, Endura Shroom, Hearty Truffle, Big Hearty Truffle, Arrow x5
Link (Skyward Sword)
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This Zelda Breath of the Wild Amiibo will Unlock a Treasure Chest filled with a Sky Items and Random selection of Rupees.
Cap of the Sky (Exclusive)
Tunic of the Sky (Exclusive)
Trousers of the Sky (Exclusive)
Goddess Sword (Exclusive)
Knight’s Broadsword, Soldier’s Broadsword, Traveler’s Sword, Knight’s Shield, Soldier’s Shield, Traveler’s Shield, Fire Arrow x5, Ice Arrow x5, Shock Arrow x5, Bomb Arrow x5
Wooden Crates filled with Rupees
Link (Twilight Princess)
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This Zelda Breath of the Wild Amiibo will Unlock a Treasure Chest filled with a Rare Item and Random selection cooking ingredients for your recipes.
Epona (Exclusive)
Warning: Epona appears on the first scan only, and must be registered in order to keep her.
Cap of Twilight (Exclusive)
Tunic of Twilight (Exclusive)
Trousers of Twilight (Exclusive)
Chest Knight’s Broadsword, Soldier’s Broadsword, Traveler’s Sword, Knight’s Shield, Soldier’s Shield, Traveler’s Shield, Fire Arrow x5, Ice Arrow x5, Shock Arrow x5, Bomb Arrow x5
Apple, Palm Fruit, Wildberry, Acorn, Chickaloo Tree Nut, Hydromelon, Spicy Pepper, Voltfruit, Fleet-Lotus Seeds, Mighty Bananas, Hearty Durian, Arrow x5
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Kurz auf deutsch:
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Majoras Mask: Grimmige Gottheit Rüstung + Schwert der Grimmigen Gottheit
Skywards Sword: Himmels-Rüstung + Schwert (Optik Skywards Sword)
Twilight Princess: im Prinzip die selben wie der Original Link, Schatten-Rüstung und Epona (Twilight-Optik)