Wii Motion Plus und das nächste Zelda

  • Innerhalb eines Interview des internationalen Videospiel-Magazins GamePro gab Wii Sports Resort Producer Katsuya Eguchi bekannt, dass er Miyamoto und Aonuma bat, Wii Sports Resort Mechaniken (Schwertkampf / Bogenschießen), basierend auf Wii Motion Plus, im nächsten Zelda Wii einzusetzen:

    GP: At E3, Miyamoto-san stated that the next Legend of Zelda would incorporate Wii Motion Plus controls if the sales for Wii Sports Resort were strong enough. Would you say its worldwide reception has met Miyamoto's goals?

    Eguchi: To be honest, I really don't know what he is planning. I am personally proud of what we achieved with the Swordplay and Archery activities in Wii Sports Resort, so I ask Mr. Miyamoto and Mr. Aonuma all the time to try and integrate similar mechanics into their next Zelda title!

    Den ganzen Artikel findet ihr hier:
    Gehe zu: GamePro - Wii Sports Resort: Post-Launch Developer Q&A

    - Nachricht eingesandt von Metroidtube

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