In den sozialen Netzwerken wie Facebook und Twitter geht im Moment der Spruch "Free Palästina" umher und wird unter fast jedem Post geschrieben. Die Leute, die das schreiben, wollen meisten auf die Angriffe Israels auf GAZA aufmerksam machen. Außerdem gibt es viele Leute mit dem Profilbild, das die Seite Free GAZA auch trägt. Im Grunde finde ich es nicht schlecht, sich gegen den Konflikt zwischen Israel und GAZA einzusetzen, allerdings sind darunter viele User, die schlichtweg Judenhass und andere Propaganda im Netz verbreiten. Einige zitieren selbst Hitler usw.. Derartige Beiträge sind auch auf der von mir verlinkten Seite zu finden. Generell wirken die Unterstützer recht uninformiert und deren Aussagen dümmlich. Wer sich selbst einen Eindruck verschaffen will kann sich einfach auf der Seite umschauen.
Neben den recht einseitigen Inhalt der Seite sind auch vereinzelt Beiträge der Gegenposition zu finden, folgend zitierter ist so einer:
Stellungnahme "Pro Isreal"
ZitatAlles anzeigenLearn the facts! Hamas fires from civilian areas and then orders them stay out after Israel warns of strikes at Hamas military positions. Not acknowledging this is a cowardly act, you are just as bad as Hamas! Israel does more than any country in history to prevent civilian casualties, the fact of international law is that any position used to fire ammunition automatically becomes a rightful target and therefore fore goes the right of civilian protection!
So for the sake of argument, let's say Israel isn't sending out warning calls and warning bombs beforehand.
The houses that are bombarded are houses full with rockets, missiles and weaponry.
According to International Law, this turns the house into a legitimate target,
and not only is it not a war crime - show me a country that does differently.Regarding the big explosions, these are caused by the explosives Hamas are hiding inside the house - not the bomb fired by the Israeli air force.
And last thing,
since I have many friends in the army that tell me exactly how they warn those houses and how operations and bombings are being canceled once the pilot notices there are many civilians nearby, I know for a fact that Israel DOES warn those civilians.The fact is that Hamas goes on TV (and I can send you the link if you wish) and asks those civilians to act as a human shield and become martyrs.
This is why there are so many civilian casualties.If anyone reading this lives in the Gaza strip, gather up your people and stand up against Hamas and its Jihadic regime!
Stand up for your rights, and take the control back from those fanatics that wish to kill those who doesn't do as they wish (including Palestinians)!
The Arabs in Israel have more rights than the people under Hamas control!
Palestine should be free from Jihad and the people (men AND women) should have equal rights!If Hamas will fall and a new and more democratic party will control the Gaza strip, there will finally be a chance for peace between us!
That is all we want! To live in peace without the constant threat that someone is trying to destroy us...
Egyptian doctor: Hamas must stop exploiting Palestine, if no democratic party will control Gaza, I'm afraid that Hamas will fall and ISIS (Daesh) will rise and that will be bad both for your side and ours...''
God bless us all
So if You want change, start it your self, be the change. Your nation needs to get rid of Hamas, and control your own faith! You could and should have a bright future!Hope you will learn the real truth, and not the lies pumped into your heads.
I wish you a long enough life, so you could see the suffering inflicted on your nation by the choices Hamas makes for you!
Look at Hamass Leader own son, even he has enough brain to know his father is an evil man!
A man that will not hesitate to harm his own people. This fact speaks for it self...
I'll let you be the judge!Interview With Son of Hamas Leader:
Hamas are the ones killing their own people, by provoking wars that lead to no where!
Wie gesagt finde ich die Idee hinter der Aktion, welche fast schon ein Hype ist, ganz o.k., jedoch gibt es zu viele Leute die buchstäblich Müll erzählen und einer breiten Masse versuchen die Sicht zu färben. Abgesehen davon, dass viel Aufmerksamkeit auf den aktuellen Konflikt gelegt wird, sehe ich nichts, was diese Internetaktion dazu beiträgt die bemängelten Zustände zu verändern.
Habt ihr solche Posts/Seiten schon gesehen und wie denkt ihr darüber? :)