Ein Spiel wie Tri Force Heroes ist geradezu prädestiniert für DLC: neue Gebiete, neue Kostüme, neue Arenen... all das könnte die Spieler bei Laune halten und für regelmäßige Besuche im Lumpenland sorgen. Noch hat Nintendo dazu keine Ankündigungen gemacht, aber es wurden bereits Dialoge im Code des Spiels gefunden, die darauf schließen.
Und zwar wurden auf The Cutting Room Floor zahlreiche noch unbekannte Texte von Tripini ausgegraben - der Clown in der Stadt, der euch über SpotPass aufklärt. Über ihn werdet ihr noch über neue Updates und Bezahl-Inhalte informiert. Die Updates sind kostenlos, wer aber neue Gebiete im Lumpenland haben will, muss dafür zahlen. Auch wurden fünf Einträge für neue DLC-Kostüme gefunden.
Im Folgenden habt ihr alle unbenutzten Texte von Tripini (auf Englisch):
Tripini Texte
Been, er…enjoyin’ your time
in the Drablands?
Ooh, hey, uh… Have you heard?
They found a new area there… I bet
you’re, um, itching to explore it, right?
I wanna go!
Maybe later
Oh, you’re not too, uh, fussed
about it, are you?
Me, I’m, uh, curious… What kinda area
is it, you know? Has it got this, or
is it more like, um…that?
I’m kinda excited…
It’s pretty, um…thrilling?
Well, if you wanna take a trip, just…
er… Just talk to ol’ Trip, yeah?
Hey, hero dude… Howdy!
Been, er…enjoyin’ your adventures
in the Drablands?
It looks like they’ve, ah…discovered
a new, um…area there somewhere…
Have you heard?
No clue
Yeah, I know
Uh-huh, so not even the little, ah,
hero dude knows, eh?
I’m, uh, really curious… What kinda
area is it, you know? Is it like this,
or is it more like, um…that?
I’m kinda excited…
It’s pretty, um…thrilling.
I knew you’d know, bud!
I was just, um, testing you…
I’m kinda curious, myself… I heard
it’s got, uhh… I hear it’s got a bit of
this, and a little of, ah…that…
I’m kinda excited…
It’s pretty, um…thrilling.
You’ll have to pay to, ah…access the
new areas…
On the other hand, the latest update
is free, so… You, uh, you wanna
download that update, buddy?
Yes please!
Maybe later
You must download the latest update
before purchasing add-on content.
Oh, hey, hero-buddy…
Looks like you haven’t, uh…got the
latest update yet… You’ll need it to
go to the new areas in the Drablands.
Gooootcha, bud…
Then I’ll, um, close your game and
take you to Nintendo eShop.
I’ll save your game before we go,
buddy. Is that, ah, okay with you?
Okay then… Lemme take you to
Nintendo eShop… Let’s roll!
Right on, little hero buddy.
I’ll just, ah, hang around here then,
shall I? Such nice weather here…
Oh, what…? Looks like you, um…
You’ve already got the newest
Drablands data, bud…
I wish I could go, too…
In the meantime, I, uh… I’ll hang out
on Miiverse, so, ah… Post me some
Drablands snaps, will ya, buddy…?
Enjoy life!
Enjoy the Drablands!
Okay, let’s get real now. A new area of
the Drablands is now available for
purchase from Nintendo eShop.
Would you like to go to Nintendo
eShop to get more information?
Go to eShop
No thanks
Okay, let’s get real now. There’s one
more area of the Drablands available
for purchase from Nintendo eShop.
Would you like to go to Nintendo
eShop to get more information?
Go to eShop
No thanks
Okay, let’s get real now. New areas of
the Drablands are now available for
purchase from Nintendo eShop.
Would you like to go to Nintendo
eShop to get more information?
Go to eShop
No thanks
To play the add-on content, a
software update is required. Close
the software and download the latest
update from Nintendo eShop?
Don’t download
You can’t go to Nintendo eShop
if you don’t, ah, save first, buddy.
Well, let ol’ Trip know when you
change your mind, all right?
Quelle: tcrf.net über NintendoEverything