for the downloads that has .rar files i would suggest that you would put them as .zip file its easier to use and its like .rar but better. you don't really need a program for .zip files if you have Windows like me i can just right click and open with compressed zipped folders. This is just a suggestion.
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Original von ZREOfan
for the downloads that has .rar files i would suggest that you would put them as .zip file its easier to use and its like .rar but better. you don't really need a program for .zip files if you have Windows like me i can just right click and open with compressed zipped folders. This is just a suggestion.
We are working on a new version of Zelda Europe - there I can convert the .rar files into zip. files. If you have more ideas how we can improve our site - ideas are welcome always. :)
By the way: Please use this thread for new ideas or suggestions:
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