Black cartridge N64 Ocarina of Time?

  • Hello!

    I'm a huge Zelda collector, and I have a question about a special cartridge I won on Ebay.

    It is black (it is supposed to be grey?), and the seller was from Germany, and he said he bought it used from a game shop.

    I have never seen it before, and I know nothing about it.
    When I posted this over at some other forums, they said they thought it was fake, because they have never heard of it.

    So I'm hoping some of you can confirm that, or let me know if this thing actually excists in Germany?


    (Sorry for writing in English. I'm from Norway)

  • Hi there,

    I moved the topic into our Ocarina of Time section. ^^

    The standard European version has a grey cartridge (and five languages, if I remember it correctly), that's the one that was sold in Germany. The black cartridge version was sold in the UK, so I heard. But it's hard to find any information about it, it seems to be pretty rare.

    Is there anything unusual about the game?

  • My first guess would've been that somebody just painted the case. I've never heard of a black version at all. So I can't really tell you more than Tourian Tourist already did.

    But I really have to say:
    Hej du! Hvad er det dejligt at se norskmænd i forumen. :'D Se dig omkring og godt fornøjelse! Og undskyld, jeg kan bare tale lidt dansk, men måske forstår du mig. ^^

  • Thanks for your replies!

    xXDarkXx: Ah, okay. Yeah I know about the gold version too, but I had never seen this black version before.

    Oh, I didn't know where to put this thread, thank you for moving it to the right place.
    And hey, you're the guy with the cool blog? I remember contacting you about a OoT pen.. (which I already have now, hehe). =)

    Ohhhh, so this is something real?? A black cartridge with three languages that was sold in the UK? ohhhhhhh, please let me know if you can find anymore info on it!! Or if you remember where you read about it! Anything!
    I only turned it on to see if it worked, but I haven't tried playing through it or anything. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to look for if there's something unusual with it?

    It's definitely not painted, and the sticker is real. ..that's all I know. :XD:
    (Hei! Så gøy, haha.. ja jeg forstår dansk. :lol: )

  • Zitat

    Original von Ikhana
    Oh, I didn't know where to put this thread, thank you for moving it to the right place.
    And hey, you're the guy with the cool blog? I remember contacting you about a OoT pen.. (which I already have now, hehe). =)

    Ah, that was you? Yeah, I remember and I'm glad that you were able to get the pen after all. You are quite the collector, aren't you?

    About the latest piece in your collection...


    Ohhhh, so this is something real?? A black cartridge with three languages that was sold in the UK? ohhhhhhh, please let me know if you can find anymore info on it!! Or if you remember where you read about it! Anything!
    I only turned it on to see if it worked, but I haven't tried playing through it or anything. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to look for if there's something unusual with it?

    The only thing I could find is a thread over at our friends at ZeldaUniverse:
    Wanted, PAL version of Ocarina of Time
    They mention that the black cartridge UK version sold for 450$ at some ebay auction, new and sealed. Might be a mistake though, because I couldn't find any information about it anywhere else. Maybe he meant black box?

    And I was confused about the languages. All European versions only had the three languages, for some reason I remembered that wrong, sorry. xD

    Officially all European versions were grey, only the Australian PAL version was gold. No black ones here or there. So, it might be a mockup sold in Poland or something like that. That happens.

    But it seems to be special, that's for sure. :D

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