Just to let you all know that image is FAKE. One, there are several misspellings in the title.
The "real" one can be found here:

I cannot guarantee this is completely true, but it sounds a lot better than the last image.
And what I've noticed in the past few Zelda games, Nintendo's titles for the game focus on a specific item, title, or person. Examples: Ocarina of Time (Item), Majora's Mask (Item), Oracle of Seasons (Title for Din), Oracle of Ages (Title for Nayru), Four Swords (Item), The Wind Waker (Item), Four Sword Adventures (Item), The Minish Cap (Title for Ezlo), Twilight Princess (Title for Midna), Phantom Hourglass (Item), Spirit Tracks (Item).
I aplogize for not writing in German... I'm an English speaker... I don't know German.