Beiträge von Yusei

    Couldn't come up with the money for it. Not to mention all I have for working at McDonalds is $224 (US Dollars of course). I work-part time too, like I only work 13 hours this week :(.

    I love to design my own things, so yeah. :P. I'm thinking I can make money off of my own works.

    As reported on my site, Zelda Temple, and some others already:


    Zelda Wii is the Most Anticipated Game of E3 Found on ZeldaInformer and reported by GameTrailers, The Legend of Zelda Wii title we all know and have been reporting on is now the most anticipated title that will be shown at E3, beating out games such as Bulletstorm, Dead Space 2, Crysis 2, Gears of War 3, Metal Gear Solid: Rising, The Last Guardian, to name a few. As said in the video: “We’ve seen one piece of lonely art and we know tha MotionPlus will be required to for swordplay, puzzle solving, and who knows what. And that’s about it. This and in conjunction with the pedigree of the Zelda team has us absolutely freaking out to learn and see more.”

    I don't know if Jade will allow me to post a direct link to my site, but you can access it via my sig and just click the recent news post.


    Original von Evelyn Jade
    (- Im sorry for my bad English -__-")

    You can speak German. That's fine. I'm translating it since I guess Google Chrome now has Google Translate with it so I can at least navigate a bit easier on the forums.


    I think for the new Zelda, they are using a new grafic engine (wii), but the modes will be very close to their originals from twilight princess.

    It's possible. It would be good. Monster Hunter Tri really set a new bar for graphics designs in games... Possibly Zelda will follow it or make it better.

    Monster Hunter Tri:

    Twilight Princess in Dolphin Emulator 720p HD:

    Link removed. Please do not link to anything connected with Emulators - it is not legally allowed at all.

    I like the fan designs. One of them on Zelda Temple that I have (that I got some where else) isn't so bad either:

    I, however, doubt after like 4 years and counting, they would use the same models for ZWii as from Twilight Princess. Mostly due to the fact that had 3 years to work on it. Majora's Mask was pressured to be worked on in one year, so that's why it used the same models... And the same for the most part for Spirit Tracks (although they improved on them).

    Only another 26 days until E3 I believe... Hopefully it is worth my time.

    Just to let you all know that image is FAKE. One, there are several misspellings in the title.

    The "real" one can be found here:…pan-release.php

    I cannot guarantee this is completely true, but it sounds a lot better than the last image.

    And what I've noticed in the past few Zelda games, Nintendo's titles for the game focus on a specific item, title, or person. Examples: Ocarina of Time (Item), Majora's Mask (Item), Oracle of Seasons (Title for Din), Oracle of Ages (Title for Nayru), Four Swords (Item), The Wind Waker (Item), Four Sword Adventures (Item), The Minish Cap (Title for Ezlo), Twilight Princess (Title for Midna), Phantom Hourglass (Item), Spirit Tracks (Item).

    I aplogize for not writing in German... I'm an English speaker... I don't know German.