Zeldanime Comic featuring the old Zelda cartoons

  • Hello, I just found about the article "Zelda - Kurioses im Web #1" and I would like to point out another interesting project on the Zelda fan community named Zeldanime.com,

    it features the old Zelda cartoons in a newer style based on the japanese one.

    I hope you can understand it, it's in english though!

    Ps: I'm not sure where to actually put this topic so I just did it in Zelda general!

    Tell me what you think! :P

  • This is going to be a win-win project. I mean, take a previously wasted story line and turn it into a well developed fancomic? Gimme, Gimme!! :yeah:

    Befürworterin eines allgemein gültigen und bindenden Friedensvertrag zwischen "The Wind Waker" und "Twilight Princess" Fans. ;-)

  • Zitat

    Original von Evelyn Jade
    Why I found this thread today? :grinning_face_with_sweat:
    I like the style. I just think about how to present the project on our website. :)

    Haha I was wondering if more people would reply to this! We would love it if you could represent it on your website or link us (I don't know it's up to you of course!) Maybe you can translate it in germany? =D We love to bring more joy to other fans!


    Original von bereth15
    Wow, not only Zelda is gorgeous but even the art style! o.o

    I wonder why Link's eyes are green, but oh well. ^^
    He's kinda... showy. Not like I would see his character, very special. xD;

    "Well, excuuuuuuse ME, princess!" 8D

    Since Link is always a new character, we gave him a different look then the current Link's. He's more related to the oldschool Link with brown hair. The reason why we gave Link green eyes is because he represents the color of the triforce of courage.

    Yes Link at the moment isn't really heroic. But during the process of the story he will grow in a more matured character. =) You'll have to wait and see!


    Original von Nenilein
    This is going to be a win-win project. I mean, take a previously wasted story line and turn it into a well developed fancomic? Gimme, Gimme!! :yeah:

    Haha that was the main idea behind it. It's something wasted most people dislike. It's a goal to actually make something like that in a more modern way so people will hopefully think a little different about those old episodes. 8D

    It's a good tribute to the older games and cartoon =)

  • Zitat

    Original von mantoinette

    Haha I was wondering if more people would reply to this! We would love it if you could represent it on your website or link us (I don't know it's up to you of course!) Maybe you can translate it in germany? =D We love to bring more joy to other fans!

    If you want, I could do English-to-German translations for you. I'm fluent in both languages (well, German is my native language so, duh) and am planning on becoming a professional translator one day. It would be a great honor!

    By the way, Onichild once commented on a scribbled comic of mine on dA. I was beyond flattered that one of the creators of this fancomic of love felt one of my yon-koma was worth being commented! :herz:

    Befürworterin eines allgemein gültigen und bindenden Friedensvertrag zwischen "The Wind Waker" und "Twilight Princess" Fans. ;-)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Nenilein (26. Juni 2010 um 14:53)

  • Zitat

    Original von Nenilein

    If you want, I could do English-to-German translations for you. I'm fluent in both languages (well, German is my native language so, duh) and am planning on becoming a professional translator one day. It would be a great honor!

    By the way, Onichild once commented on a scribbled comic of mine on dA. I was beyond flattered that one of the creators of this fancomic of love felt one of my yon-koma was worth being commented! :herz:

    Oh This sounds great!!! yeah we would be honored if it could be translated to german!

    Haha Onichild did? He's a great artist! =D what's your DA account?


    Original von Midna
    I'm also offering myself as a translator, if you still need a nother one ;-)
    I have MSN, so just add me if you're interested!

    Oh my this is great! Not too sure how we could work this out =O

    Okay here's a question, how would translate "Excuuse me, Princess" in german?

    Es tut mir leid? oder Ich tug mein bestest prinses.

    XD sorry my german fails!

  • I would love to! My dA Account is... Nenilein too! ;-P

    Ahm, the famous catchphrase...

    In any case, I'd NEVER translate it as "Ich tuuuuuuuu mein bestes, Prinzessin", since that translation was the main reason the dub failed even more than the original. X-x

    I'd probably go with something along the lines of "Verzeihu~ng, Prinzessin!"

    Befürworterin eines allgemein gültigen und bindenden Friedensvertrag zwischen "The Wind Waker" und "Twilight Princess" Fans. ;-)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Nenilein (26. Juni 2010 um 15:06)

  • Zitat

    Original von mantoinette

    Since Link is always a new character, we gave him a different look then the current Link's. He's more related to the oldschool Link with brown hair. The reason why we gave Link green eyes is because he represents the color of the triforce of courage.

    Well, you would think I could've come to this conclusion on my own, don't you? xD;


    Yes Link at the moment isn't really heroic. But during the process of the story he will grow in a more matured character. =) You'll have to wait and see!

    You see me suffer! ;A;
    But I really like the idea of a Link growing through the story and the tasks he's being given.
    (my my my, just say it, if my English fails at any pont xD; )

    I even would offer myself as translator. This would be – just being selfish – a good opportunity to improve my English. But I think, Nenilein and Midna are enough help?
    (anyway, my English's not good enough, so just forget about it. xD)

    Well then! *waiting and expecting only the best*

  • Okay first I wrote a new article about your project on the main area:

    So in future (if I have time, actually I'm working on my final masterwork for college, ahh no time! .__.) I will write a better article and present your work at my site. :) Mhm... something like this: Look here!

    Maybe you want affiliate with us (translation?).

  • Haha well a lot of people responded with the question why Link had brown hair or why his eye were green. XD So it's a common question for us!


    Original von Evelyn Jade
    Okay first I wrote a new article about your project on the main area:

    So in future (if I have time, actually I'm working on my final masterwork for college, ahh no time! .__.) I will write a better article and present your work at my site. :) Mhm... something like this: Look here!

    Maybe you want affiliate with us (translation?).

    Thank you very much! We are so happy you could highlight us on your website. Especially how this is a complete different community of the english one! I'm hoping we could do the german translation quickly and maybe you can feature the german translated comic version on your webpage.

    We'd love to affiliate ZeldaEurope! And good luck with that masterwork for college!

  • Zitat

    Original von Evelyn Jade

    Nenilein, Midna: Übersetzt jemand von euch?

    Mir wurde das Script bereits über dA geschickt und ein paar Seiten habe ich schon übersetzt. ;-)

    Man sagte mir, ich könne mir etwas Zeit lassen.

    Befürworterin eines allgemein gültigen und bindenden Friedensvertrag zwischen "The Wind Waker" und "Twilight Princess" Fans. ;-)

  • Alles klar Neni. Ich wusste nur nicht wer das von euch beiden macht. :) Sagst du mir Bescheid wenn die Übersetzungen soweit fertig sind und die Artisten grünes Licht geben zur Herausgabe?

  • Zitat

    Original von Evelyn Jade

    So done. I also took your little banner on the main site (scoll down, the image button list, third row)
    and on the left side in my affiliation list. :)

    Nenilein, Midna: Übersetzt jemand von euch?

    That's amazing!!! We couldn't have asked for more! =D Thank you so much!

    About the translating, yeah Nenilein is doing it, when she's finished she will send me the script and I'll add into the speechbubbles. =)

    Can I ask you how much you already translated? I'm really curious =D!

Jetzt mitmachen!

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