In this thread you are only allowed to speak a language, thats different to german, so you can learn to speak the language in a better way. All in all it should be a place to have fun and to talk about stupid things, like always in this fore! You can use very crazy languages noone might understand. Maybe Zelda Europe becomes more European-like through this Thread^^.
So enjoy and use this thread like the original "Gummizelle" in different Languages, but no german. You are allowed to use german Quotes and "Plattdeutsch" and you can put in some german words you dont know in that language.
I hope a lot of people will join this thread. By the way : You dont havve to keep one language like I do at the Moment. Be creative and mmake your post as ununderstandable as possible!
So mix up Japanese, Spanish and russian in one sentence if you are able to!XD

German is boring!
navi twilight -
6. Oktober 2008 um 23:24 -
C'est idiot. :P
Mais porché? Voglio Aru fun!
mi chiamo tim
shit italian. English is the best language of the world^^ -
Vitium ridere non oportet! Keep that in mind :lol: By the way, this is Latin - but you knew that already, I hope.
Yo tengo el gato en pantalores
(not german... SCHWÄBISCH!) -
Per disciplinam meam lux videbis.
Ceterum censeo Cartaginem esse delendam! :evil:
and of course: oach-katzen-schwoaff
... Et s tuechli uff da Boda schleiffa?
back to better languages, please <.<
wenn jets jeda anfängt hia sein dialekt zu schwätze wirds orwel, manche vun den dingern sin echt net zu verstehe. vorallem s schwäbsche net! noi echt net
Ca, ce me plait beaucoup, ce dialecte. -
Only can speak english and... ÖSSI-DIALEKT
Oida krocha :D
Come stai? Hm english is not bad but some Njet or di dove sounds good too. xD
...cracking the russian codes...
Does not make any sense to me, this thread.
It's just... there are only a few which can speak any other language than english, german or french.
So... suppose it'd be better to close that thing here and continue THERE!
Jetzt mitmachen!
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