Phoenix Wright

  • Ich habe vor, mir vom Weihnachtsgeld Phoenix Wright zu kaufen.

    Da ich aber oft die Erfahrung mache, dass solche Point 'n' Click - Adventures (siehe Another Code, gutes Spiel, aber viel zu kurz) nicht immer rentabel sind, frage ich dann mal euch.

    Hat jemand von euch das Spiel und lohnt es sich, es zu kaufen? Und wie ist so die Atmosphäre beim Spielen? Und: Was denkt ihr, kommt der zweite Teil auch nach Europa? Es war ja schon bei dem ersten Spiel eine Odyssee, bis es hier erschien ...

  • Es ist auf jedenfalls mindestens so gut wie Another Code (Habe beide auf Englisch), beide Spiele sind klasse. Teilweise sind sie zwar zu leicht, aber man muss oft auch knobeln.

    So um die 15 Stunden sind bei Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney etwa drin, bei Another Code schätz ich mal so um die 10. Also 50% mehr Spielzeit.

  • Also hier Kommen ein Paar neuen Fälle ( aud Englisch) aber ich hoffe unterhaltsam

    Vom dritten game wo du Mia spielen must :herz:

    Date: April 11th, 2013

    Defense Attorney: Mia Fey

    Prosecutor: Winston Payne

    Defendant: Phoenix Wright

    Victim: Kikuzou Nonda

    COD: Electrocuted.

    MW: An electric cable.

    Guilty: Chinami Miyanagi

    Day 1

    Case 1 is a flashback taking place three years before the start of GS1 (5 years before GS3). You play as Mia Fey on her second case defending none other than Phoenix Wright himself. She hasn't stood up in court for a year now because of what happened during her first case, but for some reason she's determined to defend Phoenix now. Grossberg, who was supposed to have been Phoenix's lawyer, sits with her as co-council.

    Prosecutor Payne sets up the scene: the victim, Kikuzou Nonda, was electrocuted. He was found face down on the ground under a snapped power line with a broken umbrella next to him. Phoenix was seen fleeing the scene. He also has motive, as his new girlfriend, Chinami, was seeing Kikuzou up until six months ago.

    Phoenix takes the stand (he has a cold and coughs almost constantly). He testifies that he didn't know the victim and only stumbled on the scene, which Mia is unfortunately forced to contradict--in the PW world, even though Phoenix is her client, she still has an obligation to cross examine him apparently. Phoenix breaks down crying and admits he was lying. He met the victim just before the time of the murder to talk, at Kikuzou's request. It's also pointed out that Kikuzou was found holding a bottle of cold medicine (Cold Killer Z), and the bottle has Phoenix's fingerprints on it. Phoenix admits the bottle is his, but that it had gone missing several hours earlier, after he'd had lunch with his Chii-chan.

    Payne tries to prove that Phoenix pushed Kikuzou into an electric wire outside the Pharmaceutical Lab. It was raining that day so the wet ground would have been a great conductor, and Phoenix's fingerprints were found on the victim's chest. But Mia points out the broken umbrella. Phoenix testified that the umbrella broke when Kikuzou landed on top of it, but in the crime scene photo the umbrella is off to the side. More importantly, if Phoenix shoved him in the chest he would have landed on his back, not face down on the ground.

    Court breaks so the prosecution can prepare their next witness, Chinami Miyanagi. In the lobby Phoenix is positive that Chinami will stand up for him, because their love was "destined." He explains that when they met it was love at first sight, and she even gave him a pendant as proof of their love. Mia surprises him by knowing the exact date of that meeting. It was the same day of a crime that was committed in the courthouse.

    Court is called back into session while Grossberg does some research. Chinami is called to the stand (with butterflies), and with her charms easily gets the Judge wrapped around her finger. She claims to have seen the crime, and at first insists that Phoenix didn't push Kikuzou. Mia objects with the evidence. As they continue Payne presents a report from the pharmacy lab, which claims they lost power to their equipment at exactly 2:55 that afternoon, just when Phoenix admitted to pushing the victim.

    Mia points out Kikuzou's watch, which stopped at exactly 3:05. True, when Phoenix pushed Kikuzou he may have bumped into the pole holding the electric lines, jarring them into failing, but Kikuzou wasn't electrocuted until ten minutes later, leaving plenty of time for someone else to commit the crime.

    Chinami shows her true colors, becoming cold. She changes her testimony to say that Phoenix hit Kikuzou twice, once from in front and once from behind. But Mia insists that if ten minutes really passed between the two hits, why didn't Chinami, who saw it all happen, intervene or call for help? She must have waited for Phoenix to leave the scene and then pushed Kikuzou herself.

    Phoenix leaps onto the stand, declaring that Chinami would never do something like that, and is dragged back by the court officials. Meanwhile, Grossberg returns with the results of his research. On August 27th, the same day Phoenix and Chinami met, Chinami became a suspect in the murder of defense attorney Souryuu Kaminogi. He was killed in the courthouse cafeteria when poison was slipped into his coffee. Chinami was the suspect, but because no poison was ever found on her she went free.

    Mia asks that Chinami testify for the court about how she met the defendant, Phoenix Wright. She does, insisting she had nothing to do with the poisoning, but Mia argues otherwise. She points out that half a year ago Chinami was seeing Kikuzou, who worked with chemicals all the time. She had plenty of opportunities to get her hands on lethal poison. As for how she transported the poison, Mia presents the pendant Phoenix showed her. It's not a pendant at all, but a small vile. Mia argues that Chinami was keeping poison in that vile, and after she used it to poison Kaminogi she had to get rid of it before the police showed up, so she handed it off to Phoenix. All they have to do is test the vile for trace amounts.

    Phoenix objects again in Chinami's defense and runs out of the courtroom. He's caught and dragged back, but by the time he's back on the stand the pendant is gone. Phoenix confesses to having swallowed the evidence! Fearful of his health Mia asks them to pause the trial but Payne points out that Phoenix is fine. If there had been poison in that vile, he would be showing signs by now. The defense's claims of poison must be wrong.

    Phoenix finally gives up his entire testimony, for Mia's sake. He confesses that the reason Kikuzou called him out in the first place was to warn him--half a year ago someone stole chemicals from his lab, and it happened again recently. Kikuzou suspected Chinami but Phoenix still doesn't believe she would do that. He even met Chinami at the scene of the accident after he came back, but she asked him not to tell anyone that.

    The Judge still isn't convinced that Chinami tried to hurt anyone. Mia takes a chance and presents the Cold Killer Z bottle. If Kikuzou was right and he was missing chemicals, they must be here! Chinami needed to get that pendant back from Phoenix. It was important evidence against her but he treated it like a love token and kept showing it off to people. So Chinami plotted to kill Phoenix by stealing his cold medicine and poisoning it, but when she came across the scene of him and Kikuzou fighting she had to change her plans. Kikuzou suspected her and had to be dealt with. She then planted the poisoned bottle on him so that she wouldn't be implicated if she were searched.

    Chinami still calls Mia delusional but then Mia challenges her to take some of the cold medicine herself. If it's perfectly safe there should be no harm, right? Chinami flips and incinerates her butterflies. She promises that it's not over between her and Mia Fey. The Judge pronounces Phoenix innocent, and Payne loses his hair from shock.

    In the lobby, Phoenix is heartbroken over the outcome of the case. He can't believe that it was really Chinami on the stand, because the Chii-chan he loves would never talk like that. Mia tells him it's best to forget about her. She's surprised to hear that Phoenix is actually studying to become a lawyer now, because of a certain friend he wants to help (we the audience assume he means Edgeworth, who at this point has been a prosecutor for a year). Mia and Phoenix both know they'll meet each other again.

  • so hab die ersten beiden Teile durchgespielt und war ziemlich geflashed. Sehr gute Titel meiner Meinung nach und ich werde mir auch die anderen beiden holen wenn sie zu uns kommen. Der Umfang und die Präsentation sind einfach phänomenal.

  • Hab hier ein cooles Video gefunden. Guckt es euch mal an: Mix aus Phoenix Wright - Sequenzen und Encore / Numb von Linkin Park.

    Phoenix Wright became so numb

    EDIT: neue Infos auf

    EDIT2: Auf wird gemeldet, dass der 4. Teil am 1.Januar 2008 kommt ... Da dürfte man in Europa noch ein bisschen länger warten dürfen. Zum Release des dritten Teiles in Europa ist indess noch nichts bekannt ...

    EDIT3: Neue, deutsche Bilder zu Phoenix Wright 4 auf!

  • Wusste nicht, dass es hier auch Phoenix Wright-Fans gibt. ^^ Also ich mag die Reihe und natürlich Phoenix selber, denn sein Sarkasmus ist immer wieder für einen Lacher gut. ^^ Die Spiele triefen zwar nur so vor Klischees, aber, seien wir uns ehrlich, welches Spiel hat denn keine Klischees? Bei Ace Attourney (Teil 1) ist da die eine da, die nur pink trägt, wie heißt die nochmal? Auf jeden Fall hasse ich sie, mal ist sie so obernett, mal eine auf Zicke und das hasse ich an der! Da sieht mans, dass in den Spielen wirklich sehr viele Charaktere dabei sind, die wirklich sorgfältig ausgedacht sind. ^^

  • Yay! :yippie:
    Famitsu bestätigt den Title für den 3DS.
    Aber nicht nur das, Wright kehrt als Hauptprotagonist zurück, mit einer neuen weiblichen Partnerin.
    Laut wird diese auf der Tokyo Game Show genauer vorgestellt und wird eine Schlüsselrolle in der Story einnehmen.
    Auch wird es eine 15 minütige spielbare Demo geben auf der TGS.

    Es soll ein Jahr nach Apollo Justice spielen, wohlgemerkt wie oben steht, mit Wright wieder als Anwalt, dementsprechend wurde auch Details des ersten Falls preisgegeben: Es handelt sich um eine Explosion im Gerichtsgebäude, die Angeklagte ist eine High School Schülerin namens Shinobu.
    Eine kleine Enttäuschung für manch einen aber ein kleines Trost Pflästerchen: Winston Payne wird leider nicht die Anklage übernehmen, dafür aber sein Bruder.

    Drei Screenshots der Famitsu weißen auf einige Gameplay Elemente hin, so wird es wie Layton vs Ace Attorney auf 3D Charakter zurückgreifen, auch scheint es so das man während einer Aussage seinen Gesichtsausdruck verändern kann.

    Außerdem schreiben Leser das Ace Attorney Schöpfer Shu Takumi nicht ganz in der Entwicklung involviert sein wird, ähnlich also wie bei Ace Attiorney 4, da dieser noch mit den Layton Crossover beschäftigt ist, für die Musik soll, nach Abwesenheit bei Apollo Justice, wieder Noriyuki Iwadare verantwortlich sein.

    EDIT: Bilder von dem Famitsu Artikel:

    Leider hat es für mich den Nachgeschmack, dass ich Zweifel habe an Capcom wegen Übersetzung, auch wenn man natürlich darauf hofft das es anders sein wird. Ich für meinen Teil werd mir nochmal alle anderen Title reinziehen, dass treibt förmlich dazu an :D

  • NEEEEEIN, keiner Pixelarts mehr. Das ist das Ende, das Ende. Argh immer dieser 3D Zwang. :argh:
    jetzt hat nur noch Pokemon Pixelarts....

    Naja Egal ich als wahrer Phoenix Whright Fan muss mir es natürlich kaufen, ebenso wie den Film der nächstes Jahr bei uns erscheinen wird, hach wie ich mich freu. Ich bin ja echt mal gespannt wie sie Phoenix seine Marke wiedergeben wollen, aber immerhin hat er den bescheuerten PaPa Hut nicht mehr auf, den mochte ich nicht so richtig. Auf Paynes bruder bin ich ja aml gespannt oder wie sie diesmal das Tutorial einbringen werden, ich denke mal nicht das Whright eine Auffrischung braucht. Ach wie ich mich freue.

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